Tag: car dealership video surveillance
Protecting Your Car Dealership Against Invalid Claims: A Video Surveillance System Is Your Ally

It’s becoming a problem in our society with people being able to sue anyone for anything these days, more often than not most claims are false. People are always trying to get over on somebody else’s dime, but this doesn’t have to be you.
Through the use of advanced video surveillance, and audio surveillance, you can protect yourself and your company from liability – if you have a properly designed system. Recently one of our customers who owns a large new car dealership has been using his system for this exact purpose, for protection against invalid claims.
Here are two examples:
A customer claimed to the dealership that his vehicle was damaged when in for service, large dent on the rear quarter panel. The dealership’s owner reviewed the footage of the car entering the shop and the large dent was already on the vehicle, obviously not done by the dealership. He was able to send an image to the customer of the condition of the car prior to entering the service shop because he had a properly designed system that was viewing vehicles entering and exiting the service shop.
Same dealership but different scenario, customer claims sales person took over an hour to come and greet/help her. The customer wrote a bad review online referencing horrible customer service at this dealership. The dealership contacted the customer who made the claim and asked for the time and date of the occurrence. When going back to the video it was discovered that this customer was greeted within 60 seconds upon entering. The bad review that was posted online was retracted when the customer was shown the proof.
These two examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to verifying a claim that someone makes against the actual truth. Having a video surveillance system saved this dealership a lot of headaches, possible bad reviews but most importantly money. Security cameras are a necessary tool in business, the key is to have a system that is tailored to your specific needs in order to be effective.
Contact us to find out how this proven new technology can protect your assets and your property. Even better, call and ask for a free car dealership security systems design to see how the system should be laid out and what investment will be required.